Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently asked questions

Absolutely! We ensure that every plant we send out meets two key criteria:

  1. We carefully inspect each plant for signs of root rot, pests, disease, and unhealthy foliage or stems. If we find any issues, we don’t ship the plant. This meticulous care ensures that every plant is healthy and ready to thrive in its new home.
  2. We ask ourselves if we’d proudly display the plant in our own homes and if it matches the online photos. If both answers are yes, we ship it. However, if you're not happy with your plant, we offer a hassle-free replacement within 14 days of delivery.

Yes, we strive to match the appearance of the plants shown online. While natural variations in color, shape, and size are to be expected, we do our best to ensure your plant closely resembles its online image.

Your plant will arrive in its nursery pot to ensure safe transportation. We recommend leaving it in this pot for at least 6 to 12 months to acclimate to your home’s environment. For succulents, which acclimate faster, we may replant them before shipping.

Consider the following:

  1. Light: A bright, indirect light spot offers more plant options than a shady area.
  2. Time: Some plants need minimal care, while others require more attention.
  3. Style: Choose plants that match your aesthetic, whether tree-like with large leaves or vining varieties.

Our product pages provide detailed information to help you choose. If you need more assistance, feel free to reach out to us.

Yes! We provide detailed care guides for every plant on our site and general plant care tips for beginners. If you need further help, contact us at

Drainage holes prevent excess water from pooling, which helps avoid root rot—a common cause of plant death. Most of our plants come in nursery pots with drainage holes to reduce the risk of overwatering.

No, you don’t have to repot immediately. Let your plant acclimate in its nursery pot for 6 to 12 months. If you must repot sooner, wait at least 4 weeks. You can also place the nursery pot in a decorative pot to catch excess water.

Absolutely! We’re always adding new plants. If there’s a specific plant you’re looking for, let us know at

We accept various payment methods. Details can be found on our checkout page.

Yes, we offer free shipping on all UAE orders above a minimum value. Check your shopping cart for details.

We ship to all Emirates and most areas in the UAE. For a list of unserviced areas, contact us. Currently, we do not ship internationally.

If you’re not home and your order is prepaid, our delivery partners will leave it at your door. For cash-on-delivery orders, our partners will contact you via WhatsApp to confirm your availability. If you live in a villa/townhouse with direct sunlight at the front door, please provide alternative delivery instructions to avoid plant distress.

Have you any question? We're ready to help.